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Thread: so we gotta keep him for 40years

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by pheasantplukka View Post
    it wasnt just a thought emma he travelled many countries excelling an extrodinary amount of research and energy into it...........just look at the papers, there's no doubt that he would of had a very large part in killing and maiming god knows how many innocent men, woman & children!

    he wasnt your average geek in a science lab fanatising about the odd explosion here & there he planning top notch terrorist acts and presenting his plans to the al queda
    its such a shame he cannot be tried for treason to the crown

  2. #12


    Yep. Treason would be good, but he would have to copy Guy Fawkes and threaten to blow up, or actually attempt to blow up, the Houses of Parliament for that charge to stick. Treason is the only crime in this country that still carries the Death Penalty, which is something they ignore on the rare occassion when the Death Penalty is put forward for debate. I never understand why the PTB are so squeamish about extraditing criminals to places with a death penalty. If I was going to smuggle drugs in Singapore, or murder someone in the USA, I would know that the sentence, if I was convicted, was liable to be death by firing squad, gas chamber, electric chair, or lethal injection. If I still went ahead and committed the crime, then escaped to the UK, I should not be surprised if a warrant for extradition was applied for. I should also be prepared to face the punishment for the crime. However it would be unlikely that extradition would be granted thanks to the PC brigade, and the EEC, so I would have got away with it. Good game !

  3. #13


    i didnt know there was a death penalty still in this country for treason....i think he could have been tried for this...definitely...but then what is treason? a plot to remove the monarchy? he didnt do that - just wanted mass murder for some sickly pathetic twisted cause in the name of jihad/twisted versions of islam or the rest of the shyte by extremists - i wonder sometimes why they are not ashamed when if they read their own bible they will see it preaches fkn peace and tolerance

    rolly eyes what do i know

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