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Thread: oooooooooooooooh!!! *cringes*

  1. #1

  2. #2


    mel, screen was white for ages, then yellow and now nothing ( SCREEN FREEZE )

  3. #3


    It shows how certain vehicles are fitted with electronics sensors which give them access to certain roads. The entrance to the roads have motor operated bollards in them. The bollards, when triggered by the sensors, slide down into the road to allow the vehicle through and then slide up again to bar other traffic. Vehicles not fitted with the sensors do not cause the bollards to lower. Some vehicles try to get through after a vehicle fitted with a sensor but get caught on, or crash into, the now raising bollards.

    Looks expensive to me.

    It also looks like it's only a matter of time before someone tries to sue whoever put the bollards there as they clearly haven't understood how they work. Perhaps there is a lack of signage?
    Last edited by damian_steele; 23rd October 2006 at 11:35 AM.

  4. #4


    Reminds me of the bollards they put at Windsor Castle to stop any car bomb attacks. The only car they caught was a Police car, when someone pressed the release button before the police car had cleared the area.

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