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Thread: this veil business

  1. #51


    Emma, your daughter may have been taught "every religion" in the world, but she would not have been taught about the Goddess who was worshipped in Britain since the year dot. The Christians came, denounced pagans as Satanists, and killed others as witches. Satan was loosely based on The Green Man, the human consort of the Goddess, to reinforce the "Paganism is Evil" idea. Pagans killed Christian babies and used the tallow to make candles! This was a ridiculous claim as Pagans made offerings of fruit and seed to the Goddess. The Goddess never demanded the sacrifice of a child .... substituted by a ram at the last minute, unlike the Christian God.
    The Irish women got round the problem by worshipping the Goddess in the guise of St. Brigid. The Catholic priests either didn't realise what was going on under their noses, or more likely didn't care as long as the churches were full.

  2. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by manstomar View Post
    I dont think it does seem to be the minority that rule, if it was then im sure there would not be this much hatred, bitterness aimed at immigrants etc.

    im not saying you personally on this, i mean the british as a whole, just everywhere i go i hear, muslim this, polish that, immigrant this...........

    Things in this country are being more and more exagerrated ever since the attacks in london. No one is bothering to read the facts anymore, no one wants to read them, we just want the snippets that feed us the infomation we want to hear............WTF is happening here????. 2 years ago, if this had happened, the media & nation would of cried how disgusting this was that this woman has been made to go against her religion.......

    I feel as if people belive that this woman is forcing her religion upon the kids?, if people feel thats true and we ban veils in schools then we SHOULD ban Xmas as well, in fact we should take the french approacch and keep education and religion completely seperate...............

    A slight change of subject on the terrorist note, let us all picture in our mind of a terrorist NOW.....got it, a muslim with a bombpack? yeah me too.

    Interesting how ten years ago, ask that same question and everyone would of thought of a white guy dressed in combats, a balaclava and an irish accent

    gotta love the media huh
    why on earth should we ban xmas beacuse of banning veils
    i fail to understand your point on this, they are a completely differant issue
    i dont agree we should ban veils in normal circumstances but as in the case of identity ie passports or driving licences then every body should be made to show the whole of there face

  3. #53


    On the bus on the way to town y'day ( BEFORE the other incident with the david essex wannabe con artist ) etc.

    we saw a woman ( at least i think it was a woman ) get on the bus wearing the whole thing INCLUDING over the face veil and i have NEVER seen that before. I admit that did worry me a little ( probably only cus of this thread ??? ) cus as my daughter pointed out to me , COULD HAVE BEEN ANYONE AT ALL UNDER THERE. including a white, black, chinese man etc.

    In other words, if even their eyes are not on show, its an EXCELLENT disguise / cover. I had not thought about it like that before.

    Oh and before i forget again, meant to say last time.

    CHRISTMAS has already been banned has it not ???

    X < mas.

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist View Post
    Emma, your daughter may have been taught "every religion" in the world, but she would not have been taught about the Goddess who was worshipped in Britain since the year dot. The Christians came, denounced pagans as Satanists, and killed others as witches. Satan was loosely based on The Green Man, the human consort of the Goddess, to reinforce the "Paganism is Evil" idea. Pagans killed Christian babies and used the tallow to make candles! This was a ridiculous claim as Pagans made offerings of fruit and seed to the Goddess. The Goddess never demanded the sacrifice of a child .... substituted by a ram at the last minute, unlike the Christian God.
    The Irish women got round the problem by worshipping the Goddess in the guise of St. Brigid. The Catholic priests either didn't realise what was going on under their noses, or more likely didn't care as long as the churches were full.
    yes when i said every religion in the world was a bit of a sweeping statement - of course not every religion - just the *main* ones as defined by whoever decided the main ones are - it certainly is not by numbers! - judaism for example from what i can see if i read it right is the smallest religion in terms of numbers but is a major faith

    - i know lots of pagans all over the world but it seems this has been lumped into *new age* / neopaganism as a religion and has a somewhat lukewarm status because its beliefs are eclectic and drawing on many different systems - google world religions and you will see what i mean and how far down the table they are


    personally i have an eclectic belief system and i go with what feels right and makes sense to me - i have no problem integrating bits of different faiths - in fact maybe i should subscribe to the bahai newest and fastest growing religion - which renounces boundaries or creed, colour, nationality etc etc and their message is one of unity - there is only one god and all peoples are the same - we are fruits from the same tree etc - never heard of it till today but sounds good to me - i think lol - like too good to be true

    i agree that paganism has had a short straw deal for ages and i *do* think this will change

    as for the christians coming and burning witches and distorting things - well we all know that is sad and ignorant etc - but i dont equate the christian church and their agendas etc at the time culturally with JC himself - 2 different kettle of fish as it all panned out

    actually i havent got a clue lol except i know great people from all faiths and beliefs - its the orrid ones that need educating lol - all religions profess peace and love etc - seems for some reason no one is getting it - at least quite a few are not getting it - including myself in that mix but we are human i guess lol
    philosophy rant over
    Last edited by emma5721; 17th October 2006 at 07:57 PM.

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