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Thread: India still hasn't learned their lesson - re gas leaks

  1. #1

    Angry India still hasn't learned their lesson - re gas leaks

    In 1984 there was a huge gas leak in Bhopal in India which killed an estimated 3,500 and left over 20,000 needing immediate hospital treatment. At that time it was vowed that such an accident would never happen again.

    On Sunday it did, but thankfully on a far smaller scale.


    Strange how our media have been so quiet on the subject.

  2. #2


    Our media - too busy going into overdrive over trivial matters unfortunately.... I was amazed to find out that BONO was in court today to give evidence regarding his cowboy hat And there there is the war that has been raging for some 8 years....... you know, the one between liam gallagher and Robbie Wiliams ?? riveting, i'm sure.
    Is full of good stuff !

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fudge_factory View Post
    Our media - too busy going into overdrive over trivial matters unfortunately.... I was amazed to find out that BONO was in court today to give evidence regarding his cowboy hat And there there is the war that has been raging for some 8 years....... you know, the one between liam gallagher and Robbie Wiliams ?? riveting, i'm sure.
    oh come on mel that hat was a fashion disaster and it was criminal
    but all joking aside our media prefer to ignore the hard hitting truth and report on shoite like what our so called celebs had for lunch

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