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Thread: I really WANT this site to work!! BUT here is a suggestion

  1. #31
    Forum Newbie dannygyrl's Avatar
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    and i forgot something...yes you guys are really riding high on the numbers game right now......there are over 1000 BIG store runners (that i know of) that have quit E-bay all together and are looking to find new homes. These people average well over 2-3000+ items in their stores. I think that the 2% from their added sales would really add up after a while and a lot of them would be bringing customer bases with them let alone those of them that do outside advertisisng as well which benefits every one on here.

  2. #32


    Hi dannygyrl,

    I tried to explain all this in my post #15 so you've got my support on this.
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  3. #33
    Forum Diehard madhatter1's Avatar
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    Default Yup!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dannygyrl View Post
    So number 7 are you saying that you don't want any of us people from ebay over here? I had only had my store over at ebay for 2 months when they pulled this fee thing. I had never heard of ebid. I purchase probably more than i sell so the first thing i did when i came here was to browse around looking for items to buy so i could raise my good faith score before opening up a store.
    i also figured thtis would give me a chance to really learn this site so i wouldn't be doing dumb things when i did open her on up.

    i couldn't find anything. If i cant then neither can the others in my country. I really prefer to order from own country so it gets here faster. I polled 19 more people since I posted and they all feel the same as I do. Do you want ebid usa to work? We would be adding money to your coffers too. As it stands right now the average american joe, upon first look (first impression is the one that gets most people) thinks this is mostly a UK site. They too want their items quickly so this turns them off and makes them look elsewhere. let me make this very clear I DON'T WANT THIS PLACE TO BE EBAY!!!! All i am asking for is that if a person clicks their version of ebid that what shows up is stuff from their ebid's area. Then if that wasn't enough for what they are looking for they could have the option of expanding their search parameters to include other countries. Or the search could just show other countries in a different manner like the color or type of font or something like that.

    Like i said in the beginning I REALLY WANT EBID USA TO THRIVE!!!
    Keep up the good work everybody


    If it looks great wear it!
    If it don't "Laugh Out Loud"

  4. #34


    sorry didnt mean to sound patronising. A lot of people dont know that you have to be 18 to sign up. I often scan the ebay community (although rarely post) and its a reasonably common question.

    My point was only that the web is full of stuff that can be stumbled accross and dosnt have an age warning. As I am sure you know. Oh god now I'm sounding patronising again, and now sarcastic. Argh. I'm really not! Please believe me!

    Anyway, changing subject, didnt Wolves do well at the weekend!

  5. #35


    No, Problem at all...... But what I do not understand is lower down on this forum there is a new to ebid seller asking if he can sell these items here, In my opinion that fine by me but what I don't understand and realy was the point of my post is , why is he not allowed to sell his on ebay when the chinese sellers are.

    Quote Originally Posted by inversions View Post
    sorry didnt mean to sound patronising. A lot of people dont know that you have to be 18 to sign up. I often scan the ebay community (although rarely post) and its a reasonably common question.

    My point was only that the web is full of stuff that can be stumbled accross and dosnt have an age warning. As I am sure you know. Oh god now I'm sounding patronising again, and now sarcastic. Argh. I'm really not! Please believe me!

    Anyway, changing subject, didnt Wolves do well at the weekend!

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by buttons-and-bows View Post
    No, Problem at all...... But what I do not understand is lower down on this forum there is a new to ebid seller asking if he can sell these items here, In my opinion that fine by me but what I don't understand and realy was the point of my post is , why is he not allowed to sell his on ebay when the chinese sellers are.
    The thing with ebay is that they have no desire to be fair or balanced. They make a great deal about how they dont police the site themselves. They rely on members to do it for them. But you have to report the auction to the site its listed on! Ahhhhh here we see the fun part. How do you report an auction to a site where the language is so different!

    [I have been banned from ebay twice for selling magazines that are available from newsagents in this country, actually were available from newsagents in 1974 (well some of the ones I've been reported for were available in 1974). Thats the year of my birth if anyones interested. I guess that most of you dont know much about the availability of porn in this country but let me assure you that titles such as those mentioned above are about as explicit as a modern lads mag such as Front. Maybe a little more so, but not much.]

    And yet hardcore gay porn is available on ebay. Why you ask? Because the people doing the reporting dont know what the magazine is. So its only titles that people recognise generally as porn that get reported, or if the seller makes the mistake of describing the contents.

    I'm going on a bit but I am in full flow.

    I will give an example. I picked up about 40 hardcore european magazines last year and listed them on ebay BIN with a subtle description and no photo's. They sold well (I was getting a mark up of about 350%). before I had sold half somone else listed the same title but described the contents. I kept him under surveilence and he got banned but then I did. Before this those people who like to report porn on ebay had never heard of this title and couldnt report it because of this! Well thats my conclusion. Thats why hardcore gay porn gets thru, because how many people know that, say, 'Mens Adventure' [made up title] is a hardcore gay sex magazine! And if you do know what the title is chances are you arnt going to report it. I certainly wouldnt report any item I saw for sale if it was legally available in this country. (thats my thing, if its legal: sell it, or buy it. I dont care. But I wont touch anything outside the law.)

    Anyway I conducted an experiment. I found out that ebay Germany allowed the sale of Mayfair, Penthouse and Playboy. All softcore titles. I know a little German and with the help of bablefish I was able to list the mayfairs I had on the German site. They sold very well and I decided to try listing some Club and Men Only magazines from the 1970's, again on ebay germany. These are the same as Mayfair from the 1970's. They were reported and I was banned again. So where's the logic? A 1974 Club magazine is delisted and yet you can sell a 2006 Mayfair! Umph. So my experiment was a little cruel, well it was possibly, but it didnt turn out to be. I found another seller who was listing some magazines (club, men only etc) on ebay germany. They were ones I had been reported for before. I complained to ebay UK that this seller was selling porn. I used the report listing violation section and included all the item numbers etc. Because he had not listed with the name of the magazine in the title of his auction I guess no one else had reported him. I did this with 9 days to run on his auctions. Not one got removed. As I had suspected ebay UK does not communicate with ebay Germany hence if you want to report to ebay China or Taiwan you have to go through the actual website of that ebay. Not a lot of good eh?

    So the bay are great arnt they?

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