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Thread: Online Shop, ready for owner

  1. #1

    Default Online Shop, ready for owner

    Brand new website, waiting for owner to take control!

    We have the hosting covered, for life, just tell us the domain name you want and we will get it(if avilb) and place your name onto it, we dont keep control of it,

    for example: www.mynewshop.co.uk

    We have left the domain open, so you can use any shop name, www.mynewshop.co.uk for example!

    What you need to do?

    The shop is all ready for use, you just need to add products and categories, and do some advertisement,

    Change a few easy settings, to install your shop name on the site, owner and your email so you get a copy of orders, we have installed the UK as the only country, but more can be added! and it uses GBP £,

    The administration area is a web-based interface making it easy to add, edit and remove products,

    The shop is made to accept payments via:


    COD(Cash on Delivery)


    Check/Money Order






    You may have to pay to use the service of some of the payment gateways listed, I would suggest you use paypal.co.uk as it accepts all major cards and is free to use, you just pay a % on each payment taken

    We will give you with the username and password for FTP/Control Panel access, and the username and password for the shop admin area, from their you can build your shop up and start selling online!, Easy!

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    You also have access to the control panel for the web hosting, so you can add more emails(up-to 200), add Email forwards, and alot more!

    You have 20GB of bandwidth each month,(More than most websites need, even shops)

    Both photos are from the shop, I have hidden the address bar for security reasons

    !!Full Support is given via email!!

    Ask any questions you may have!, this is for serious people who want to run their own online shop!

    >> No adult websites


  2. #2

  3. #3


    Yes, sorry, I posted it while doing a big reprogram of my main website, it is £100 to £150 per year, that includes, weh-hosting, domain, free support via e-mail/phone, are you intrested?

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