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Thread: Suggestion for pppay.com

  1. #31


    This will be my last input to this thread unless i'm invited to discuss any additional information that may appear.

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza
    as I mentioned before, we are unable to comment on the strategies and actions of other companies apart from eBid on these forums.
    But this does not reflect previous responses from admin with regards to pppay.com, one of which I have quoted below.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark 04/02/05

    We appreciate your thoughts. Previously member could send up to 100.00 without a verification check. As we continue to grow this obviously could and was being abused. To protect receivers from receiving funds from a stolen card the pending verfication check facility was implemented. Very shortly we will be implementing verified by visa and mastercard chip and pin that will allow further developments and payments without verification check fees being fully completed.

    Additional input is welcome.
    Taken from here

    As you can see, Mark is discussing pppay.com strategy in this post. I'm pretty sure there will be other comments in similar vein throughout the forums, however i'm not prepared to spend time looking for them and continue the finger-pointing. Hopefully I have made my point.

    This is a big problem Gary, regular sellers have, and will continue to remove pppay.com from their accepted methods of payment as a result, which is a real shame because pppay.com was once the best of all the online payment processors. It would be sad to see it only used by newbies and people who did'nt know any better.

    With all due respect,

  2. #32
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gazza
    Sellers can use the PPPay Checkout system by adding their PPPay username (email address) when starting an auction or in the My Personal Details section of myeBid.

    If you don't add a username or remove your PPPay username then the checkout option isn't shown to buyers when an auction closes leaving you to arrange your own payment with the buyer.

    Similarly if you have a PPPay username listed under your account any buyers will be shown a link in the closing email to the auction review page which houses the PPPay Checkout form. If you don't wish to use this facility then you are able to remove your PPPay username and the buyer will be asked to check with you for payment details.

    Hi Gazza - it ain't working

    I took out my ppPay account details early this week, but the end of auction email received today still shows all the ppPay advertising gubbins and links to the payment page

    Only difference it made is that the buyer sent payment to the emailling address instead of the payments address. You and the buyer will be getting an email shortly asking you to bounce that payment to the incorrect email address, and have the buyer make a new payment to the correct email.


  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by gazza
    I've come to learn there are always hundreds of different factors that drive decisions in business and the perfect solution is often unobtainable due to the size of the business and other external forces.

    Gazza, just to help you out a little it is called Nochex. Type it into Google and it will come up. Excellent processor, can send up to £100 without registering. Perfect for those auction purchases. If you register with them they do a penny check but they GIVE you money rather than take it from you. Only drawback is UK only but as I sell to UK only it is not a problem for me.



  4. #34
    Forum Diehard
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    Quote Originally Posted by gazza

    But in reference to the discussion in this thread, as many of you probably have also, I've come to learn there are always hundreds of different factors that drive decisions in business and the perfect solution is often unobtainable due to the size of the business and other external forces.

    OK then, where can we discuss this?

    I have two ebid stores. This is for Cats Protection;Lots of beanies, fast food toys, random collectables, some new children's clothes - almost anything really.
    this is business and sells skeleton leaves, Thai silk, various vintage postcards, more random collectables
    Both sell discontinued china tableware.

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