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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #18761

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    First off - Happy belated birthday, Graham! Or to quote The Mad Hatter - a very merry unbirthday to you!

    We have had nearly 2 weeks of storms here. They tell me Casper Mountain (about 100 miles from me) had a record wind speed of 88 MPH. Myself, I have had enough Fall - bring winter on so we can get on with Spring in short order. I hate it when the sun is gone at 4:30 pm.

    I went out last week and jumped into my truck (ute) only to be met with click, click, click. So yesterday I drove over to Pine and got a new battery for it. It's a 2010, so that is 6 years for the battery. Dad always said when you buy a used vehicle to replace the battery and hoses. Not really necessary with the hoses they make today, but sounds like a new battery isn't that bad of an idea.

    I will be pet sitting for the next few days. Friends going to see the madrigals in Colorado Springs.

    Miss Onika is not happy when it is snowy and cold. She is napping peacefully right now.

    Finally sold some parts this week. Nobody wants parts in December.

    In case I get sidetracked y'all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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    I YDC, Do you?

  2. #18762

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello y'all!
    Burning the midnight oil at bit here.
    I'm mega stressed out with Christmas shopping/ ordering/wrapping etc. for all my family, just wrapped pressie no. 102.

    How sad, I have to number each pressie so that all the Santa sacks have a similar amount of pressies in them.
    For the first time ever, we shall be away from home on Christmas Day, we are going to spent Christmas with Lucia and her boyfriend at their farmhouse in Cambs.
    Dominic and his little daughters Isla and Ava will join us on Boxing Day due to change of plan - Doms wife (or ex wife to be) decided to take them to her mothers instead. I have to have 6 sacks of pressies ready to pack for our journey, and as Teagan, Matt and Abigail are coming over to stay with us around 28th Dec until the New Year, their sacks will also have to be ready upon our return.
    My two elder daughters,14 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren have already been seen to! (Both daughters have 7 children each!) Blame the Pope!

    Old, I just loved those Aussie Chrissie choons, and be sure to keep them chicken burgers cool - could be hot stuff if toted in yer pants ...
    Meebo - were you inspired by the turkey veggies? I know that you entertain a lot, but I personally couldn't be doing with all that fiddling about, although they are really works of the culinary art!

    Wyo, so good to hear from you - I thought that you were snowed in or had been blown away with those infamous Wyo winds.
    Glad that missy O is OK, and resting peacefully despite the snow and cold.

    Shes, are you trying to pinch my status as the accident prone one amongst us? Lol!!! Usually it's me with the cuts, burns and wounds through rushing around too much. Sure hope that the knuckle mends soon. Feel so sad for the neighbour, I do understand his reluctance to go into a nursing home - I would be just the same if I was in his shoes. What a terrible pity his family will not come to his aid and look after him. Shame on them.
    Hope you managed to chop the ice (safely!) for the critters, and didn't lop off a couple of toes !!!!

    Posbear, I was sad to hear that your son didn't remember your birthday. It will be great for you when he does move out and you can do what you want in your own place without having to tiptoe around. I think you deserve a medal for your patience.
    Thanks for the Tarja choon, loved it. Oh boy, wouldn't you just love to go and see her in March?
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  3. #18763
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Trish - you sound busier than than Santa himself

    Here's one more Oz Chrissy choon - very apt for today (the 21st. over there) I thought.


  4. #18764

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Yep, sure have been busy!
    Good choon Old - I love good gravy, it makes the meal.
    I just love Bisto, especially the beef gravy granules with onion! Yum! Delicious on Yorkshire pudding!

    Well, (as per usual) I have to report an injury.
    I made time today today to decorate my inside front door with fairy lights and gel stickers and outside wreath with all the trimmings.
    The damned lights were all tangled up so I was getting really cross, plus they wouldn't stay where I wanted them to as they kept falling off the glass!
    I fetched a stool and was rushing about getting those plastic stick up cup thingies with a hook to hoop up the lights, and I misjudged the height of the stool.
    I now have a most spectacular purple red wound on my shin, it bled a bit at first but thankfully due to having polycythaemia it soon stopped.

    Today, JR had his Christmas party at the centre where he works,and not many of the clients turned up for the party due to illnesses, so there was a lot of party food left. JR bought a lot of it back here, so help yourselves folks!

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  5. #18765
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I wouldn't mind that for breakfast if there is any left

  6. #18766

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    There is still plenty left meebo, which is unusual bearing in mind that the plague of locusts on legs has it's head stuck in the fridge every time I look at him. (ugh!)

    Another busy day for me.
    I wasn't going to bother with a Christmas tree this year as we shall be away from home, but I got a right telling off for being a miserable old git by the kids/grandkids who will be visiting over the post Christmas/ New Year period.
    My language was enough to shame a miner as I struggled to entangle the fairy lights.

    Why is it that every year I carefully wrap the lights up when packing them away, yet they always are in such an unfathomable tangled mess when they are unpacked?
    I spent far too long trying to sort them out, then I flipped - I stamped on them and that felt sooo good, and then I chucked them all in the bin, and bought new ones from the post office store.

    My back is really paining me with all the stretching up, perched on top of the sofa trying to wrap the blerdy things around the top of the tree and fitting the star on the top.(Does look lovely now though!)

    Mauling with the smallest grandchild has also taken it's toll on me poor old back.

    Doh, getting old sure isn't my scene, hope that both JR and I will still be able to headbang to Quo at the Christmas parties.
    The kids always put 'rocking all over the world' on and love to see me and JR doing our 'Quo dance' - which involves us standing up very close together, thumbs tucked in jeans/trousers then headbanging one to the right, the other to the left.
    You have to bend forward and backwards as far as you can go, and one false move then you really do headbang ... crash ... ouch! lol!!!

    JR is doing the bar at the RBL club, so I'm on me tod (again).
    I have several candles burning which gives me a great sense of peace, but that won't last as I'm going to get a wee dram of the good stuff and put classic rock radio on - LOUD!

    Hope everyone is okey-dokey and the weather isn't too unbearable for you in your neck of the woods.
    Can't complain here - it's dry, not terribly windy or cold, so this tropical lover is looking forward to spring.
    I'm bearing up to winter, which (as a mother to 5) is far better than bearing down .......
    Last edited by Tropical_Trish; 22nd December 2016 at 07:28 PM.
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  7. #18767

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    What IS normal?? If it is plans made months ago for an event to take place next week, that are falling apart at the last minute, causing me to come up with Plan B - then I guess I'm in Normal! Stressed, very stressed - but I'll try to focus on being "normal"!

    Any beach with sun would be welcome right now, OLD!! It is supposed to be 71 on Christmas Day but cloudy and I DO miss my sunshine in the winter time - so have a good "soak in the sun " for me and stay away from the shark zone!

    Although I have never eaten goat, people around here love it. I do have future plans for a small pasture in the woods for a small herd of goats but would like them mainly for milking and making my own cheese, etc. But, I do suppose at some point one would end up being eaten. My brother was stationed as advance security for the General who took over in the middle east after Schwartskoff (sp?) retired. He was required to attend many "state" dinners where goat was served and he said it was delicious. His biggest problem was he's a "lefty" and remembering to eat with his right hand according to their customs over there - lol!!

    Pos - it sounds like you are in a better mood and I'm glad! You've had a rough time adjusting your life to help out your son and that is very commendable but can be very wearing on us older folks who are used to our routines when they get disrupted! If I'm figuring right, you should have less than 24 hours

    WYO - I'm right there with you in wanting winter to get over with so we can enjoy spring again!! I think Miss Onika has the right idea - just sleep a lot until spring, like the bears do!! 6 years is a long time for a battery - glad you got a new one.

    Trish - let's NOT turn this "getting hurt when in a hurry" into a contest of any kind! LOL!!! But, since you mentioned decorating with a stool, which I plan to do today, don't be surprised if I report doing the same thing the next time I post - LOL!! Plans include lights and if they give me fits, they may well get the treatment yours did! I wasn't going to decorate at all but soon-to-be-hubby is so excited about having someone to share Christmas with that I just can't deny him the pleasure of some decorations.

    The leftover Christmas goodies look delicious. Food always taste better if I haven't had to cook it - LOL!!

    Got a great visual of you doing the 'Quo dance' Maybe consider wearing some head gear for protection??

    At least the weather here will be very un-Christmassy!! 71 degrees predicted and no rain!! We've decided to go out and eat since it will be just the two of us - no sense spending the whole day cooking just to sit and eat for half an hour.

    With all I have to do this coming week and the lady taking care of my neighbor leaving the day after Christmas, I don't know when I'll be back to catch up. SO:

    You all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


  8. #18768
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Howdy all

    Roast pork in the oven & hoping for great crackling
    This will be to make up for the turkey shaped vegies tomorrow

    26.4c & drizzle ATM, s'posed to reach 29c - but I don't think it will make that (thankfully)
    More of the same tomorrow - so it appears we will have a slightly cooler Chrissy for a change - Yay!!!

    Given recent events - stay safe everybody, & have a great festive season!


  9. #18769
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Seasons Greetings to you all

    Sad to hear of Rick Parfiit's death

    But, now for my good news,........ I don't have a live-in-the-lounge son any more.. he's moved out!

    i have my life back at last.

    i was pleased to have helped him out in his time of need, but I was also pleased to wave him off yesterday!
    Job done, move on....

    In memory of Rick


    and of course...a more well known one,


    Have a rockin' Christmas

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  10. #18770
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Today's death is .....George Michael.
    I will forever remember him for singing at Freddie Mercury's tribute concert.
    He should have become Queen's lead singer!

    What a voice he had.

    I am up and about early because I was gifted a cold for Christmas from my youngest before he moved out, no voice either, just a squeak when I try to speak.
    Will have a Glenfiddich gargle later on

    I hope you all had a good Christmas day. My morning was full of sons, partners and grandchildren, my little bungalow was full!
    Then an afternoon of peace and quiet to recover

    I need another mug of tea.

    Stay safe and warm.

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

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