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Thread: The (anti) Fracking thread

  1. #1
    Forum Master olivia8143's Avatar
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    Default The (anti) Fracking thread

    I'm starting a new thread because the old one had out of date petitions and was becoming a bit confusing.

    I've just had an email from 38 Degrees which I'm copying here

    This is a message from Barbara, a member of 38 Degrees and Frack Free Lancashire.

    Eighteen months ago, I hadn’t heard of Cuadrilla. But they’re a company trying to turn a corner of my much loved Lancashire into a gas field by fracking. 38 Degrees members helped make sure our County Council turned down Cuadrilla’s application to frack in June. [1] But now Cuadrilla are challenging this decision. [2]

    So we’re going to have to take them on again. We need top notch lawyers and planning experts to have any chance of keeping our countryside fracking free. We need to put together the strongest possible case to stop Cuadrilla using legal jiggery-pokery to overturn the council’s decision to ban fracking.

    To put together a winning case we need scientific studies and expert environmental lawyers and all of these cost money. My community has raised what we can - just over £3,000 - but it’s not enough and I don’t want to give up now. The first round of evidence is due in November, and right now we don’t have enough to cover the costs.

    Please can you help by chipping in a few pounds? If each us donate a few quid, we can fund the experts we need, and help set the standard for legal decisions on fracking all over the country. Please chip in now, it will take less than 2 minutes:

    After the council said no to Cuadrilla back in June, I felt such a huge sense of relief. All our months of door knocking, late night meetings and market stalls had been worth it. But I was exhausted - I’d planned a holiday and thought about spending time in my garden again.

    This legal challenge is putting a stop to all that. I’m tired, but mostly I’m angry. How dare they, after the community said no, come back and try again.

    I know we're up against it but we defeated them the first time with your help. Cuadrilla have bottomless pockets and teams of lawyers building their case. But we have each other. And I'm convinced we can win.

    So we’re rolling up our sleeves again - this time in rooms with planning lawyers rather than on the streets - and I’m hoping you can chip in a few pounds to help us. Every bit will help us build a stronger case. Please do donate what you can:
    38 Degrees is all about people power - and that’s what has kept me and my neighbours going through all of this. Knowing that we have a whole movement of people standing with us, taking on an entire industry - it’s a true David vs Goliath story. It means so much to us to have your support.

    Ready with slingshot in hand,

    Barbara, on behalf of Frack Free Lancashire

    PS: Earlier this year when we were in the midst of the campaign to get the council to say no to fracking, it was so moving to know that thousands of people across the country – indeed the world – were with us every step of the way. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you again to everyone who sent emails, tweets and Facebook messages of support, or who travelled to Lancashire for our rallies. We couldn’t have done it without you. If you can, please support this next - and I really, really hope last - stage of our campaign against fracking here in Lancashire:

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    This is a bit close to home...don't recall being asked about this

    Fracking going ahead in Sussex

  3. #3
    Forum Master olivia8143's Avatar
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    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    Quote Originally Posted by moonwitch View Post
    This is a bit close to home...don't recall being asked about this

    Fracking going ahead in Sussex
    No, you won't be asked - the government has made up it's mind that it's going ahead with fracking whether we like it or not. The only way to stop it is people power, fracking companies will think twice if there is concerted opposition. Will you become an activist Moonie?


  4. #4

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    Although wind conditions are not this favourable all year round, this does show what can be achieved with renewables.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    Yesterday, fracking was given the go ahead in the UK for the first time in five years.

    Despite overwhelming local opposition, Ryedale -- a tiny town in one of the most unspoiled parts of rural Yorkshire -- was approved for drilling by the local council.

    I'm sure that so many of you, like me, are devastated by this news. Right now it's vital we turn our thoughts to everyone in Ryedale who's worked tirelessly to keep fracking firm Third Energy out.

    So one of the best things we can do right now is to stand with people affected -- and promise to never let the fracking industry win.

    Today, all of us here at Greenpeace are pledging to continue to oppose fracking. It would mean a lot to me if you could too.

    Please click the link to pledge you'll fight fracking alongside thousands of others:https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/ryedale

    Stopping this destructive industry is one of the biggest challenges we've ever faced together. But if fracking firm bosses -- or David Cameron -- think we're about to give up any time soon then they're wrong.

    Fracking not only threatens to industrialise areas of natural beauty, it threatens to make climate change worse by burning even more fossil fuels.

    More than ever before we must keep building a powerful movement to take on this industry. And already, we've achieved an incredible amount. Together we've exposed the risks it poses to our health and to the climate. We've rejected government plans to force this risky industry on us. And together we've protested peacefully, pushing back wherever frackers have tried to drill.

    Though the result from Ryedale is one I hoped we'd never see, we must remember that no drills have yet hit the ground -- and that's because thousands of us have banded together to keep fracking at bay.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    Quote Originally Posted by olivia8143 View Post
    Yesterday, fracking was given the go ahead in the UK for the first time in five years.

    Despite overwhelming local opposition, Ryedale -- a tiny town in one of the most unspoiled parts of rural Yorkshire -- was approved for drilling by the local council.

    I'm sure that so many of you, like me, are devastated by this news. Right now it's vital we turn our thoughts to everyone in Ryedale who's worked tirelessly to keep fracking firm Third Energy out.

    So one of the best things we can do right now is to stand with people affected -- and promise to never let the fracking industry win.

    Today, all of us here at Greenpeace are pledging to continue to oppose fracking. It would mean a lot to me if you could too.

    Please click the link to pledge you'll fight fracking alongside thousands of others:https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/ryedale

    Stopping this destructive industry is one of the biggest challenges we've ever faced together. But if fracking firm bosses -- or David Cameron -- think we're about to give up any time soon then they're wrong.

    Fracking not only threatens to industrialise areas of natural beauty, it threatens to make climate change worse by burning even more fossil fuels.

    More than ever before we must keep building a powerful movement to take on this industry. And already, we've achieved an incredible amount. Together we've exposed the risks it poses to our health and to the climate. We've rejected government plans to force this risky industry on us. And together we've protested peacefully, pushing back wherever frackers have tried to drill.

    Though the result from Ryedale is one I hoped we'd never see, we must remember that no drills have yet hit the ground -- and that's because thousands of us have banded together to keep fracking at bay.
    One small correction. There is already a well in Ryedale which has stopped producing gas and oil. Third Energy want to frack it to try to start it producing again. I am not arguing for fracking. I have signed any petition I have come across. This one is close to me.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    Quote Originally Posted by tony41 View Post
    One small correction. There is already a well in Ryedale which has stopped producing gas and oil. Third Energy want to frack it to try to start it producing again. I am not arguing for fracking. I have signed any petition I have come across. This one is close to me.
    Yes that's true but it was drilling not fracking. It now appears that if a fracking company goes bust (which it probably will if there's a major incident) the taxpayers will be paying for the cleanup http://www.theguardian.com/environme...tion-companies

  8. #8

    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    If the Guardian article is accurate, and it is unlikely to be wrong, then whose side is this Government on?

    If the shareholders of these fracking companies stand to gain from the profits of fracking, so too should they be liable for anything going wrong and it is not unreasonable for them to be required to stump up with some extra funding for bond money to cover things going wrong. If nothing goes wrong, then eventually they get their bond money back.

    I seem to remember there was once a person by the name of David Cameron who laid out his green credentials, something about wanting to be the greenest Government ever ………..


  9. #9

    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    Should have been

  10. #10
    Forum Master olivia8143's Avatar
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    Default Re: The (anti) Fracking thread

    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    If the Guardian article is accurate, and it is unlikely to be wrong, then whose side is this Government on?

    If the shareholders of these fracking companies stand to gain from the profits of fracking, so too should they be liable for anything going wrong and it is not unreasonable for them to be required to stump up with some extra funding for bond money to cover things going wrong. If nothing goes wrong, then eventually they get their bond money back.

    I seem to remember there was once a person by the name of David Cameron who laid out his green credentials, something about wanting to be the greenest Government ever ………..

    I'm surprised you need to ask who's side the government is on. It's the 1% of course (and that goes for the failed Tories in UKIP as well)

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