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Thread: Is it possible to add discount for mixed multi products

  1. #1

    Default Is it possible to add discount for mixed multi products

    I see there is option for % discount on listing form but does that just apply to that item ?

    If buyer buys more than one product from me, item A & item B etc does the discount apply to total invoice ?

    Would this apply across my two shops or only items from same shop ?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Is it possible to add discount for mixed multi products

    Hi Roy, the % on the listing form is just for that particular item as far as I know but you can send out a combined invoice for multiple purchases at the end of a sale. You can add either general discount or postage discount either by £ or by % on the invoice. Hope this helps.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Is it possible to add discount for mixed multi products

    Thanks for reply. Thats very messy isn't it.
    Hopefully eBid admin will read this and add a multi product discount option. I use that on eBay and my sales increased immediately.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is it possible to add discount for mixed multi products

    I might have it wrong, I don't know ?! I've never used the discount option on the listing form because I sell items which vary in price. I give postage discount for multiple purchases. Someone else might be able to advise you better.

    You can always put a notice up in your shops stating your terms for your customers.

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