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Thread: Whats the secert to This place

  1. #131
    Forum Saint HerMajesty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Whats the secert to This place

    I don't think lack of sales can be limited to key words or prices. I have groups of slides that sell (occasionally) for much lower than is often the case elsewhere. And elsewhere, there seems to be a big following for them, but not here. I try single slides, various prices, small and large groups, by topic, or mixed lots, which is the usual MO. I've exempted, prayed to the kodak gods, and still, nice quality goods sit on the shelf. My last slides sale was 2 months ago, and they didn't leave feedback. Usually don't. oh well................I've been adding more and more, and have more listings now than ever. Maybe that will help. You can't say the site is overrun with this particular item, either. I've changed titles, added variety in keywords, etc. Any suggestions are appreciated and welcomed.
    Ta-Ta for now!


    Slide Inn for Vintage 35mm photographic slides

    ALSO!! Click below to see my store, THE BEE'S KNEES!

  2. #132

    Default Re: Whats the secert to This place

    While looking online and charging the average price is one way of doing things, is it the best?

    My own pricing is based on a few principles.

    1. I aim to make a profit (a couple of exceptions where I am trying to build a regular customer base on repeat items that I can get in bulk when I get the regular sales).

    2. I have a particular monetary or percentage value that I aim for. I will not give the figures I use but it could be 20% on a £10 item or £10 on a £100 item.

    3. Items where I have large quantities or can easily replace I may deviate slightly as there is less work listing for larger quantities.

    4. I always aim to be more than competitive. If I cannot offer an item for less than eBay or Amazon sellers I rarely bother. I know that some of my supplies come from similar sources, so I should always be able to be 5% or more cheaper unless they are selling at a loss.

    We cannot compete yet on the buyers perception of eBid compared to eBay or Amazon. Our advantage is in the lower fees and that is what I try to utilise. There are still many buyers who will pay the extra and use the perceived 'safer' venues. But every buyer we can get to click that buy button strengthens eBid. For me the keywords to get the items found and the price compared to the opposition are the main keys to getting sales.

  3. #133

    Default Re: Whats the secert to This place

    I think we have a giant box of slides in a box in the garage. Haven't run across them yet. When I do maybe I can get them to you if interested. We somehow acquired them. Not ours (came from a bazaar) but just knew someone may want them so stashed them away. Have never shipped out of US but if or when, I'll try to remember to let you know. Money is not the big issue as is that things go to a good, happy home and not to trash. A little $ is good. Anyway I'll keep you in mind and try to let you know. Good Luck and keep on keepin on
    Quote Originally Posted by HerMajesn always donate stuff but.... ty View Post
    I don't think lack of sales can be limited to key words or prices. I have groups of slides that sell (occasionally) for much lower than is often the case elsewhere. And elsewhere, there seems to be a big following for them, but not here. I try single slides, various prices, small and large groups, by topic, or mixed lots, which is the usual MO. I've exempted, prayed to the kodak gods, and still, nice quality goods sit on the shelf. My last slides sale was 2 months ago, and they didn't leave feedback. Usually don't. oh well................I've been adding more and more, and have more listings now than ever. Maybe that will help. You can't say the site is overrun with this particular item, either. I've changed titles, added variety in keywords, etc. Any suggestions are appreciated and welcomed.

  4. #134

    Default Re: Whats the secert to This place

    Hello to all who may know who I am or see my posts and Have been kind enough to be helpful. As I have said, we are selling everything and moving to our last and final time home. We have tried our best to do the online thing. We may continue after we move. I hope so because I really enjoy this place!...
    So, we are going to put everything up to sell to the highest bidder for our whole household of belongings. Any advice? We have 25 yrs of stuff.
    A lot of high quality glass...Usual and unique. Books, Nick nacks, Wall art,camping, tools, crafts, mags, did I mention books, ( does anyone even use real books or mags any more?) many patterns and DIY instructions stuff. We have thrown out a lot already. Kitchen stuff galore. Small appliance and gadgets stuff, Really good high quality to not. Eveything has everything (instructions and pieces that are usually not with, in most used things) I have always been very organized that way. Complete and well taken care of. It breaks my heart to get rid of all this stuff because I had a different plans then life threw me a curve. Anyway... For example, I have a box full of high quality glasses. Do I unwrap them all and display? Say, we have 4 people come in and bid on our household of belongings...Highest bid will take all. If i unwrap one glass and say the rest are the same in the box, They don't know. Yet if I unwrap everything it must all be rewraped. Who does that. What's the best way to do it? Mags...Yrs of different titles. Separate by Mag title or season and combine? Has anyone ever done this or know how? I would be happy to put this whole sale thing on Ebid if I knew how. Just tell me how... Any ebiders out there who are interested etc. Pass it on! I am more than happy to keep it in the family so to say. MUST TAKE ALL!!! Old, need to move and need to be done. We have until End of March or April 1st. Please pass it on. Tell us how or what to do. All advice is welcome and Highly Appreciated! Thank You. Please tell me where to post this too. If I am in the wrong place, which would not be unusual for me. Cyber hugs to all my Ebid friends and Many happy Sales! We live in Fernley, NV which is near Reno

  5. #135
    Forum Diehard
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    Default Re: Whats the secert to This place

    Quote Originally Posted by HerMajesty View Post
    I don't think lack of sales can be limited to key words or prices. I have groups of slides that sell (occasionally) for much lower than is often the case elsewhere. And elsewhere, there seems to be a big following for them, but not here. I try single slides, various prices, small and large groups, by topic, or mixed lots, which is the usual MO. I've exempted, prayed to the kodak gods, and still, nice quality goods sit on the shelf. My last slides sale was 2 months ago, and they didn't leave feedback. Usually don't. oh well................I've been adding more and more, and have more listings now than ever. Maybe that will help. You can't say the site is overrun with this particular item, either. I've changed titles, added variety in keywords, etc. Any suggestions are appreciated and welcomed.
    You really do have to wonder and ask yourself at times "what am i doing wrong"....i know this feeling, having a lot of listings offered at what through research are competitive and if not better than elsewhere"s prices, yet still the stuff is sitting around.
    We hear all about keywords and what not ....but when all of these and more is set in place what is the factor that prevents us achieving the sales that we want?.
    Well.....what i do know is that this site is not an automatic destination that potential buyers type into their browser.....E, who?......is the usual reaction to the unknowing being informed of this sites existence..
    All we have is Google as a means of channelling these people here, Yet.....it does appear that for a few Google visibility has not been quite what it was. although i pointed out that for me i'd seen my listings drop position and in some cases drop off the search entirely. Yet over the last few days quite a few have reappeared.
    Well....i had two worthwhile sales yesterday....whether this is the result of "improved" Google visibility or potential buyers becoming more active in their search for what they want is the question that i have right now. we have to admit that this site has to get busier when the E££Y prices are taken into account.
    So in summary i still believe that online shoppers and especially E££Y users are in general lazy and unadventurous, even when faced with noticeably higher prices than previously.
    The no leaving of feedback point is relevant also as i think that for too many of us it appears to the uninitiated that there's no activity over here, and this can be off putting. I always leave feedback for buyers, but have now come to never expect it to left for me, and i think that if this left then this could inspire greater confidence....at least to the new potential buyers who could actually be bothered to seek out another selling/buying platform.

  6. #136

    Default Re: Whats the secert to This place

    Laziness of buyers is a major factor holding back eBid. There are many who will go to eBay or Amazon and search for what they want. Almost inevitably they will find it from several buyers and make a purchase. What sellers on eBid need to do is pick up the savvy buyers who search several venues. That might be less than 50% of potential buyers (pure guess), but if we can pick up a high proportion of those by using good keywords to get them to actually see our listings and then keen prices to get them to actually look at the listings then there should be enough potential sales to keep us happy.

  7. #137
    Forum Diehard
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    Default Re: Whats the secert to This place

    Sometimes we overlook the fact that even Ama££n lose sales to E££Y....despite offering somewhat lower prices. For example.....it is very common to place bids on CDs on E££y listings to only be outbid at the last minute of the auction, by sometimes more than one bidder.....its odd to see the end price overtake that of what is openly available on Ama££n on a buy it now basis for a lower price.

    This always puzzles me as i wonder....do these E££Y users not have an Ama££n account?..... if not, what is stopping them from registering to a site (like this one) where they can grab a better deal and get it now?.....and was the bidding activity genuine or fraudulent.?

    Of course ....as you say Kreative, the savvy buyer are the ones that we need to aim our efforts towards, and again the relevance of Google can't be overstated, but this assuming that Ebid decide that the listings that we create are good enough in their view to be let loose onto Google shopping, remember their announcement from last year regarding this, and that Google don't bury us on page 21 of the search.

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