We have been selling for a long time and have mainly used the bay. But we have started moving out " Watches " over to E-bid " ( Lower Prices )

We refurbish all watches we get and replace all batteries & if needed we also replace the straps with brand new.

Sometime ago we bought over 2000 watch straps so we always have straps in stock.

Our watches are selling well on the bay but we thought we would try here as we just can't keep jumping through hoops on the bay. I am a seller not a circus act.

We are top rated / power seller and everything else that comes with it but pointless to us. As long as our customers are happy that is all we are interested in.

We sell all watches with FREE postage but send recorded delivery. At present we only sell here in the UK this may change.
We also list as good till cancelled ( yes we know the draw backs to this ) we have a small store running here and stock & listings will increase over the next few weeks.

take a look..............http://time-on-your-hands.ebid.net/