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Thread: ebay are pushing it

  1. #71

    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Quote Originally Posted by shezz View Post
    Sorry but I dont understand why people are always puttin ebay down.

    I think it is simple you either use them or not,

    I tend to sell stuff as and when I want, but dont want it hanging around for weeks to sell I tend to class myself as one of the smalltime sellers

    I put something on for sale on Saturday, BIN, it sold within 20 mins, money went straight into my paypal account, total fees come to approx 12.00 (which I worked out it would cost me before I put the item on) which I paid straight away (well ebays as they had already taken their fees out).

    So that place works fine for me,

    if you dont sell there why the moans
    The moans are for the way they treat small sellers at times. If you ignore the fees, which as you say you know about before listing, there is then the treatment given to people who in effect pay their wages and profits.

    Changing the rules. When I was on eBay I worked hard and built up good sales. The rules were then changed that resulted in less exposure for my listings and all my hard work was wasted.

    Not supporting sellers. I have had buyers leave totally false feedback and low DSR's. You contact them and even when they agree with you rarely do they do anything about it.

    Looking after the big guys. Rules are constantly changed to help the bigger powersellers. They would rather have a few people selling a lot than a lot of people selling a little.

    I do not sell there now, but feel that I am still entitled to moan as I spent about 8 years lining their pockets only to be treated like dirt towards the end. I had put tens of thousands into their coffers but it counted for nothing. I will always have no good to say about them, if people are still happy selling on eBay then that is their choice, but I would always prepare for the day when they will not want you or want to support you.

  2. #72
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Quote Originally Posted by shezz View Post
    Sorry but I dont understand why people are always puttin ebay down.

    I think it is simple you either use them or not,

    I tend to sell stuff as and when I want, but dont want it hanging around for weeks to sell I tend to class myself as one of the smalltime sellers

    I put something on for sale on Saturday, BIN, it sold within 20 mins, money went straight into my paypal account, total fees come to approx 12.00 (which I worked out it would cost me before I put the item on) which I paid straight away (well ebays as they had already taken their fees out).

    So that place works fine for me,

    if you dont sell there why the moans
    They are really no worse than our Governments; greedy and could care less about the little guy!

    High fees? Sellers can deal with that, just pass it on to buyers via higher prices.
    Inability to change DSRs and Feedback? Not much can be done about that just have to weigh the benefits of the site.
    Exposure? This is the main issue I had with them. Not equal visibilty for the small vs large sellers but still unfortunately more exposure then I have ever gotten here whether I had 1 item listed or 40 the exposure was always decent. Very difficult to build a business there now due to low exposure but you are correct with a decent listing and price items still sell there rather quickly. Because of the fees selling prices are higher and profits are lower. Purchasing more items with profit isn't the same as years ago. Used to be I would be able to list 5 items to start, sell them and purchase 10 more to sell then just keep upgrading at the same rate every week. The last time I sold there the profits from the 5 items only allowed me to buy 6 instead of the 10.

    Well hopefully I'll be granted my google exemption soon so I can get some exposure here and build again, otherwise it's either go back or give up for me.

  3. #73
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it


    In my opinion high fees (and high postage costs) are making selling via auction site very non-compteitve for many sellers.

    Sure you can put your prices up to very it, but if that and the postage makes the item too dear for a buyer to buy, then you will not sell it.
    Buyers will only pay what they think an item is worth, even if they have the cash.

    So I think many people are giving up selling low cost items on line.

  4. #74

    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    Quote Originally Posted by kreativebargains View Post
    The moans are for the way they treat small sellers at times. If you ignore the fees, which as you say you know about before listing, there is then the treatment given to people who in effect pay their wages and profits.

    Changing the rules. When I was on eBay I worked hard and built up good sales. The rules were then changed that resulted in less exposure for my listings and all my hard work was wasted.

    Not supporting sellers. I have had buyers leave totally false feedback and low DSR's. You contact them and even when they agree with you rarely do they do anything about it.

    Looking after the big guys. Rules are constantly changed to help the bigger powersellers. They would rather have a few people selling a lot than a lot of people selling a little.

    I do not sell there now, but feel that I am still entitled to moan as I spent about 8 years lining their pockets only to be treated like dirt towards the end. I had put tens of thousands into their coffers but it counted for nothing. I will always have no good to say about them, if people are still happy selling on eBay then that is their choice, but I would always prepare for the day when they will not want you or want to support you.

    Hear, Hear and well put Kreativebargains..... My sentiments entirely.

    Kindest Regards.


  5. #75
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    Default Re: ebay are pushing it

    It must be very cold over there - 'cause the place is full of ice-holes!

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