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Thread: Techie PC Problems

  1. #1

    Default Techie PC Problems

    Hiya folks

    Firstly, my main desktop PC. The optical drives keep disappearing. Windoze bitches that I'm not supposed to just remove them, and that's it - they gone until the next reboot, after which they come back for maybe an hour.... and then die again. Sound familiar, anyone? Windoze 2000 Pro. They're both IDE drives, Master & Slave on the same IDE port. Been working fine for ages, just suddenly started farting around yesterday. Panda AV Platinum is running & up to date, as is Spybot SD.
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    I don't know where they come from.
    It scares me sometimes.

  2. #2
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Are they operating under the "new" style removable media resource allocation drivers?

    e.g. ......

    My digicam is USB and classed as a removable drive - when connected it pops up as drive "I" but when disconnected it vanishes off the drive table.

    Perhaps the system recognising your drives being present relies on a media disc being in them? It's worth testing.

  3. #3


    Both drives have disks in. Oh yeah and sometimes - but not always - after the drives have vanished, I can't even eject the trays.
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  4. #4
    Forum Lurker Apollo2003's Avatar
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    Ken, do you get an icon down by the clock when you have plugged in the device ? Not used Windows 2000 much but did in the states, you have to disconnect it manually before unplugging the device

  5. #5


    no, these are IDE drives.
    The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the author, or his family, internet service
    provider, mobile phone operator, bank, milk supplier, television channel, favourite movie or religion.
    I don't know where they come from.
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  6. #6
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Thinking about it, I used to get the same issue off my IDE CD-RW (the HDD & CDD were on IDE-1, the CD-RW on IDE-2) I tried everything and ended up swapping the mainboard which cured it for a while, then it's started doing it on this board as well.

    My initial reaction was the old board had a dodgy IDE-2 channel, but now I'm thinking it may be the on-drive drive controller at fault (it also intermittently refuses to auto-run when I put in a CD)

    My issue is a single drive and due to be swapped out anyway (I want a CD-DVD- RW combo drive ...... please Dad can I? huh? huh? can I? Awww go on Daaadddd ?)

    Ahem, sorry, as I was saying - try splitting the two optical drives so that one on each IDE channel and see if one stays up but not the other, and if the drive moved to IDE-2 then disappears - it'll tell you if it's the channel or a master/slave style conflict or if it's the drives themselves.


  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by gazlannathai
    Thinking about it, I used to get the same issue off my IDE CD-RW (the HDD & CDD were on IDE-1, the CD-RW on IDE-2) I tried everything and ended up swapping the mainboard which cured it for a while, then it's started doing it on this board as well.

    My initial reaction was the old board had a dodgy IDE-2 channel, but now I'm thinking it may be the on-drive drive controller at fault (it also intermittently refuses to auto-run when I put in a CD)

    My issue is a single drive and due to be swapped out anyway (I want a CD-DVD- RW combo drive ...... please Dad can I? huh? huh? can I? Awww go on Daaadddd ?)

    Ahem, sorry, as I was saying - try splitting the two optical drives so that one on each IDE channel and see if one stays up but not the other, and if the drive moved to IDE-2 then disappears - it'll tell you if it's the channel or a master/slave style conflict or if it's the drives themselves.


    Have a nose in the bios for UltraDMA type settings - what are they?

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