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Thread: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    Hi everyone,

    Just want to share my thanks to eBid and give a mention to the Twitter link buttons provided on the listings

    For those of you who are not signed up to twitter or are not aware that you can tweet your own listings - i suggest you give it a try

    Whenever i tweet an item onto my twitter it gets at least 20 views each time
    I have also had one of my items featured on a Blog website from a twitter user who has seen my tweet.
    And other users are retweeting my tweets and therefore marketing my products and ebid giving me even more exposure to the people they are linked with and so and so on

    It really is a fantastic idea as there are countless members on twitter, all you do is press the link and you never know where it may end up!
    This literally takes 2 seconds

    I am really impressed with this feature and believe it to be a huge marketing tool in this day and age

    Get tweeting!


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    Default Re: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    Hi, just one word of caution the 20 views you get when you tweet or probably twitter 'bots' checking out the link, not really views

    But tweeting does work. I have set up an automatic twitter dial; newspaper for online sellers which is now configured to pick up tweets that use the #ebid tag

    Check out the paper here:


    Please subscribe and retweet regularly to help promote.

    Also, remember when you tweet to use the #ebid tag and you could be featuring in the next edition

  3. #3

    Default Re: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    Thanks for the reply,
    I am aware that the bots seem to give me the majority of the vies but its still fab that i am getting retweets from other members so its still getting the word out
    I will check out the link now

    Thank you


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    Default Re: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    hello, this tweeting all sounds like a great idea however I have some questions. I have a twitter but dont really do much with it and only have 3 followers so I guess my first question is how do I get my tweets seen if I have no followers? Can they just be seen by everyone? Then my next question is about the twitter paper, What does it mean when you say use the #ebid? do I literally type "#ebid" in my tweet or is there something else I need to know? Sorry if I sound a bit unsavy I am more of a facebook user than twitter and never bothered to learn about it before. Thanks


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    Default Re: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    Hi, your tweets are just seen buy your followers automatically however people can also search on twitter.

    Say for example i tweet

    "Hi this is ron and I sell nuts and bolts"

    That will be seen by all my followers.

    If then someone who is NOT following me searches generally on twitter for "Bolts" then they will be able to see my tweet

    Now, hash tags are a way of searching. If i add #ebid to my tweet (yes just by typing) then anyone who searches for #ebid will see my tweet. So what is the difference? Well it is simply about grouping things together. I have a search set up (Saved so it is always there) and I search for #ebid, so any tweet from anywhere with that hash tag I can see

    The paper trawls the tweets autoamtically for whatever key words i set up for it. I have set up #ebid so It will include tweets (some not all) that have that added to them

    Does that all make sense?

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    Default Re: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    Thank you Ron for your explanation, I guess I better find some more followers, or maybe set up a new twitter account as my ebid stores persona and try to build that up. A couple more questions:

    What is a hash tag?

    How can you tell how many views your tweet has gotten? Amy posted that her tweets about ebid get 20 views, how does she know this?

    Thank you for your time and patience


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    Hi Amy - time and patience I have in abundance

    Hash tag just means putting the # in front of a word, you just type it in when creating your tweet

    On twitter, click on the search box, then type #ebid and you will see lots of tweets with the #ebid tag. Just start following some of those people, I am sure they will follow back.

    You cannot see how many times your tweet has been seen (that I am aware of), what 'the other' Amy was referring to is that when you tweet one of your auctions, directly from the auction page, it appears as though that auctions gets another 20 or so views quite quickly. This is just the twitter robots having a look and are not real views. That said it is still good because when a real person looks it will seem as though your auction is receiving lots of interest

    You could start by following us, and we will follow back

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    Default Re: Twitter - Tweets and retweets!

    Thanks for your help Ron I did the #ebid search on twitter and wow there are a lot, I wonder if I have been under a rock or something to not know about that hash tag business lol. I will go and search you guys out and follow you. Thanks again


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