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Thread: Suggestion from a Newbie

  1. #21


    In some ways I think it is good that newbies come on and ask what might be considered silly questions. It gives us a chance to say Hi! A warm welcome always makes people feel better.

    I myself come on here and ask questions that I am sure others find kind of dumb. They always answer me and are polite and nice about it, much nicer than my kids and grandkids when I ask them the same questions.

    If you check the forums you will find that a lot of the questions have been asked over and over and they always get the same reasonable and helpful answers. You will find us all get our back up a little (sometimes a lot) bit when someone who has been here a month decides the site should be made over into their idea of what it should be. Usually it will have references to another site that shall remain nameless.

    When I started I printed out 3 of the helps that are offered and check them often. Still there are things I am not sure I understand so having a newbie section may not be that much help. Sometimes you just need to know there are other people out there that can help.

    What it comes down to I think is that "The only dumb question is the one that is never asked".

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by MagnetsAndHangers View Post
    The problem is - no matter where you put this - people will continue to simply come in and ask.
    Even if it was on Ebids front page.
    And the good thing is someone will always help.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by BAGHAG999 View Post
    And the good thing is someone will always help.
    .. especially for technically-useless me - I have managed to open shops and put in a link and banners - all through reading the 'advice' from Kim and Astral and asking in the Forum..
    all feedback from eBid

  4. #24


    When I started here I found it a bit overwhelming. I read forums and searched help, but I still managed to post messages in the wrong forums and the like.

    I've learned a lot from asking 'dumb' questions and searching for old threads.

    It meant a lot to me when people were kind and helped me even when I was being dense.

  5. #25


    The people who come in from other sites and consider themselves experienced online sellers are not going to go anywhere on the Forums, even if there's one in capital letters that says 'NEW MEMBERS, READ BEFORE YOU START". They won't use the Help Pages or look in the forums until they have a problem. If the problem is "why aren't I selling anything?" there is almost always a recent thread with that title, the newbie can read it, see if the suggestions match his/her listings/stores/documentation, and if not, it's very easy to ask for constructive criticism.

    A forum containing all this information would be redundant. Several saints have put together some very extensive threads containing all this information. When someone is ready to ask for help, they're not hard to find.

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