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Thread: eBid is the future!

  1. #1

    Cool eBid is the future!

    We are relatively new to ebid and it leaves all competitors standing. It has a genuine, quality feel which seems to care about both it's sellers and buyers........... a lesson for fleebay to learn.

    However, we are struggling to generate interest in sales even though we offer greater benefits to ebid customers than we do elsewhere on the web. Can anyone help with our transition to ebid?

    Many thanks & Keep up the top quality

  2. #2
    Forum Lurker
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    Lowestoft, Suffolk, United Kingdom
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    I totally agree and i think its just going to take a bit more time to build up. its worth sticking with though as its alot better than certain other auction sites

  3. #3



    Yes EBID is the the best alternative auction site!

    How can you generate more sales? perhaps add some more details to your "about the seller" page

    BTW does "Boosted Soft Hookable Pellets - Strawberry flavoured" go well with Ice cream?

    Or do you sell something to do with "Fishing"? ...couldn't find the words "fish" or "fishing" in your store!

    Oh you could BUY something to get your 1st feedback and remove that "0" feedback

    have fun

    happy buying & selling
    <a href=http://Nine-Star-Electronics.ebid.net target=_blank>http://Nine-Star-Electronics.ebid.net</a>






    .................................................. .......................................
    Want to join ebid??? Just follow this link >>>>

    (and i'll earn some "Buddy Points" ;-) Thank You!

  4. #4


    Yep - you're right.
    Ebid is the future - especially if that other place carries on like it is.
    Anyway, be patient and hang in there. The sales will come.

    http://onlinetoyland.ebid.net (Toys & Gadgets)
    http://onlinediy.ebid.net (DIY Stuff)
    http://onlinestyle.ebid.net (Style & Fashion)

  5. #5


    Hi and welcome to ebid! I agree, shopping habits are changing on the web and people are moving toward using search engines to find items rather than go to the old standby feebay (that USED to be our google). That place has dramatically changed over last few years, I don't even bother to look up prices there now, can never find the items. Five years ago they had everything. So ebid switching to a search engine based site, is a smart move. More and more shoppers go to many sites, less loyalty.

    And ebid's redo really made the site pop. Its graphics, appearance, etc, just outdistance the other sites. Our sales have increased since the site was remodeled.

    I agree with the other posters. What you need to do is to transfer from feebay thinking (appealing to the feebay closed group of sellers), and polish up your listings to appeal to ebid buyers ( who are mostly google shoppers, who shop all over the web, plus old ebid members, plus your old feebay buyers, plus do a bit of marketing too).

    Look at their suggestions in that context: Need better keywords (for google searches our biggest source of buyers), offer international (US has 320 million people, pick up some buyers plus Canada etc), fill out About Seller page (friendly, factual, your return policy, your professional background, these make the sale). Read past forums and apply the selling tips. This polishes your listings and makes them appeal to google buyers.

    In addition, an important point is that you need quantity of listings. While ebid downloads all buy it nows, google uses them according to their own mystery rules. They filter some out, etc, so even though you know ebid gave them your listings, you don't know how often those items will be used. You can sort of tell by your traffic. So, add many more listings. That hedges your bets that people will notice the listings.

    And there are actually to reasons for this: these buyers love having hundreds of choices, and you get more exposure on google. Takes just one listing to get someone's attention and they come in to ebid and buy from you. Better chance of getting attention by having 200 or 500 listings, rather than 10 (10 or 20 was how we marketed our stuff on feebay because of the high cost of listing/relisting - here you don't worry about it).

    Also put together a discount policy for multiple buys. You will sell many more multiples here, especially if you offer a discount if they buy 2 or 3 or 4. Your items are small, this will work perfectly for you. Offer free shipping second item (VERY tempting for people, they almost always end up buying two), and special deal if they buy 3 or more. Additional discount, maybe 20% off 3rd items. Whatever, but that works beautifully on ebid. And you will find those google shoppers will stay with you and keep buying if you keep adding fresh items to your stock often.

    Someone is always here to help you (new concept too).

  6. #6
    Forum Lurker
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    Lowestoft, Suffolk, United Kingdom
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    excellent bit of advice there delta hoping it will help me get my second sale been 2 weeks since my first one.

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