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Thread: Improving Invoice System

  1. #61
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    There's a couple of very important points not yet raised regarding shipping and invoices.

    There are four main distinctly different documents that could be passed from the "sales/accounts" desk to the "picking and packing" desk -
    - A picking/packing note (invoice sent separately)
    - An itemised receipt (sales receipt with item details - payment has been made already)
    - An invoice (payment has not yet been made)
    - A Commercial Invoice (for international sales and port of entry Customs inspection) - required whether payment already made or not.

    A picking/packing note, or a sales receipt, or an "invoice", is acceptable for same country deliveries only, and for where the seller is NOT a business.

    Where the seller is a business and shipping to the same country, they can use any of the above, BUT when shipping internationally, it is law that they include a Commercial Invoice on the outside of the package/carton/crate for the importing country's Customs to asses import duty and tax. Any of the above documents can also be included inside the package. These stipulations are part of the global accord on import and export procedures .... don't say it Madelaine - I know I'm the worst offender on this, I'm just stating what the rules are.

    The entire eBid system needs a major revamp, because either the sales receipt, or the invoice, or the commercial invoice MUST include full contact details of the buyer and seller. For the commercial invoice, it is not negotiable or optional that it must also show the telephone numbers of both parties, and their VAT / GST / business registration numbers if they have any. It must also show country of origin and country of manufacture of the goods (they're not always the same places) and it must show the INCO-terms classification code for the product.

    Now, I know what you're all going to say about the commercial invoice - that it's not up to eBid to provide the system for printing that, and that no other site does it. I partly agree with the first point (however eBid should be capturing the required data and supplying it for cross-border transactions to allow sellers to comply with the law), and on the second point, all I'll say is "are you sure?" Just because the main sites don't do it, don't assume that no-one does - and if only one does it, then it gives the authorities precedent for enforcing it on all sites - better to be ahead of them, than racing to catch up while they have your site taken offline for not doing it.

    Regarding the "normal" invoice - it is an instrument for requesting payment (legal definition) NOT a receipt for something already paid. However it is acceptable (and common) for invoices to be stamped "paid" and sent as receipts. Be sure you comply with marking them paid (I always forget too and no-one has ever complained) as there is an obtuse point of law concerning businesses who send "unpaid" invoice documents after payment has been received - it's covered in the unfair business rules and the extortion rules somewhere, I was told this years ago, it may have changed due to common practice ... but then it's still law for London Hackney cabs to have to carry a bag of straw in the vehicle !

    Remember too - on a sales receipt, and on an invoice, and a commercial invoice, if you reference a rate of VAT (in the EU countries including UK) whether inclusive in the total, or broken out as a line item, or per item, your document must show your VAT number - do eBid's do this for you?

    For any Limited Company sellers - does your company registration number and registered office address show on eBid's after sale documents?

    There's lots more of these considerations to think about - the above is only starting points to address statutory requirements for the various document types - and those points need addressed and fixed BEFORE anything else ... because they are the legal mandatory information requirements.

    Niggling and bickering about how to apply this or that postage type or discount, are the least of your worries - especially now with UK and US authorities demanding online auction sites reveal seller turnover to the tax departments.

    My vote goes with getting the eBid invoicing system to assist sellers to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements FIRST, then worry about improving the trading practicalities of how the other bits function.

    .... and remember - I'm saying that to be helpful, because I'm in the Far East and not affected by most of what I've written above. Whereas almost all of you are in the reverse position to me regarding what's needed in the above points.


    edited to fix typos
    Last edited by gazlannathai; 1st March 2010 at 06:15 AM.

  2. #62
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    I have only one pressing problem with the current invoicing system and that is the way that a buyer can pay when postage charges have not been specified. Fix that and I'll go with the flow for everything else.

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  3. #63
    Forum Newbie mrskyp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gazza View Post
    Can we open a discussion about improvements that can be made to our invoicing system. Can you be as exact and precise as possible including invoice numbers, auction IDs where applicable and pasted links to invoice pages.

    At the moment the main problem seems to be sellers not understanding that buyers will see shipping option dropdowns on the invoice if they chose more than one when starting the auction. Do we let the seller fix the invoice? What if a buyer wants to chooose shipping method? Do we wait for the buyer to contact the seller with the shipping method they want to use? Doesn't this add another level of interaction that will slow down sales?

    Also the current discount system where additions and subtractions can be made to handle multiple item shipping.

    Remember... simple, precise and real life examples please and we'll be able to get the system perfected.

    Thanks everyone.
    Gazza, have you collected enough data on what improvements people want - is this thread still open?

    I would like to see a much more flexible invoicing system, not dissimilar to *Bay's (the ONLY thing they ever got right).

    As a seller I want to be able to adjust then print out a complete eBid invoice including Shipping/handling, for my records and a Packing Slip. Currently I can't use eBid's invoicing system, even for a Packing Slip unless I screen dump from the webpage then cut off the surrounding guff, if someone has already paid a BIN immediately including correct amount for p/p.

    Also, very important, a Preview Invoice button please - I think I have already lost my last customer sending an incorrect invoice twice, with a "confirmation of payment received" note - and the poor chap had already paid correctly with PayPal.

    More flexibility and Preview option please. It will be up to us the Seller to make sure we get it right, if not it's our Feedback rating at stake, no-one else's.

    When do you estimate getting the invoice revamp up and running (hopefully including some of the above)?


  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by mrskyp View Post
    Gazza, have you collected enough data on what improvements people want - is this thread still open?

    I would like to see a much more flexible invoicing system, not dissimilar to *Bay's (the ONLY thing they ever got right).

    As a seller I want to be able to adjust then print out a complete eBid invoice including Shipping/handling, for my records and a Packing Slip. Currently I can't use eBid's invoicing system, even for a Packing Slip unless I screen dump from the webpage then cut off the surrounding guff, if someone has already paid a BIN immediately including correct amount for p/p.

    Also, very important, a Preview Invoice button please - I think I have already lost my last customer sending an incorrect invoice twice, with a "confirmation of payment received" note - and the poor chap had already paid correctly with PayPal.

    More flexibility and Preview option please. It will be up to us the Seller to make sure we get it right, if not it's our Feedback rating at stake, no-one else's.

    When do you estimate getting the invoice revamp up and running (hopefully including some of the above)?

    Rob, Very good questions. We have been asking for a revamp of invoicing for quite a while but nothing yet.

  5. #65


    I just sent my first eBid sale out. This issue has probably already been addressed because I did not read all 7 pages.

    My problem was in trying to bring up a copy of the invoice to look at and print before I send it. Two of us work on my internet business with me doing the listing and sorting and my husband in charge of the shipping. Without a copy of the invoice, the sent email was the only place I could find all the information he needs to do his job. I may have missed the preview option if there is one. (I am sure someone will point it out for me if it is there, LOL ).

    My customer paid before I even knew I has sold this item. It would be nice if they couldn't do that until the invoice is sent. I think this would help us avoid having to make refunds for over paid postage, and unforseen problems with merchandise. It would also protecet buyers a bit from the riff raff sellers that are on all the auction and internet sales sites.

    Thanks, Granny

  6. #66
    Forum Saint Juliebabe25's Avatar
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    Yes that's a trick question.
    Do we want to make buyers wait for an invoice, or we we let them pay right away.

    There are advantages to both ways. Making them wait is definitely tidier, but you do run the risk of losing the sale if they buyer loses interest in the item.

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