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Thread: Ninja Lister Bug List

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Idealproductsales View Post
    if you have a listing in the GTG bucket , click on it and it gives you the option to View or Upload.. Click on View and you can right click on the listing and remove from good to go bucket. (you can also edit)
    OK, I tried that but in GTG View Mode, I don't get anything with right clicking, no controls at all. I can only open the listing for editing in that mode. The right click only works when in the Auction set itself, where I then have the option to rename, create, import, delete etc. but I'm not seeing anywhere to remove the listings from the GTG area.

  2. #62


    Todays release..........

    Downloaded - not been asked for password.

    Uploaded 1 item - it confirmed upload was successful.

    Item has vanished

  3. #63


    Upgrade process: didnt warn or notify that existing stored listings would be deleted ..

    No big deal, but ..

    here's how it went:

    Popped open ninja lister , it advised that there was a new version and offered me upgrade option, I went ahead and did the upgrade .. Had to close ninja lister before it could finish.
    When it started the software upgrade, it offered no warning that existing listings would be removed (I did see the "advanced" settings, did not use those.. didnt even look at them.. )

    Did the upgrade, then opened lister, all the listings I'd had in there (only 2 actually, no big loss) were gone.. lister came up like it was a clean install.

    on the plus side, it did ask me for username and password both in addition to country..

    Main issue is: there was no way to back up or export data , so if someone had 100+ listings or so in their ninja lister, they'd have been screwed and have to do them all over again (not so good, eh? )

    Needs to have a way to export or backup data before doing any upgrades, or etc. (if there is a way, and it is under advanced options, a NOTICE that existing listings would be removed unless setting the option in advanced would be nice .. or the defaults should be to save existing listings.. )

    Main reason: if we had set up "templates" to create listings from, or listings that had not been uploaded yet, those would be lost.. which I'm sure would be a source of aggravation that was exponential to the number of listings stored to the prior version
    Last edited by Idealproductsales; 7th February 2010 at 05:50 PM.
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  4. #64
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    After I open NL & click on "new auctions" ...it willl not let me import my listings from Ebay...only lets me go to files on my computer. What am I doing wrong?

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by elvisfan2010 View Post
    After I open NL & click on "new auctions" ...it willl not let me import my listings from Ebay...only lets me go to files on my computer. What am I doing wrong?

    IMporting from ebay will be added at a later date from what I understand.

  6. #66


    Issue: cannot import listings to ninja lister from exported listings . (Not bulk upload spreadsheet, but from the .txt file that is obtained when you go to "auctions Im Running" and click "export listings" ) - that file wont import directly to ninja lister.

    Had to right click on the .txt file and open in openoffice calc/Excel/ spreadsheet and then save as csv, editing delimiter to be tab separated values .. (like when saving the bulk upload sheets) Then I was able to import the .csv

    May be a bug in the export listings instead?


    After importing that , the data file appears to be corrupt or incorrect (Screenshot attached) - Notice the "Store Cat" column for the first listing- it shows a time , also, a lot of data is "quoted" .. looks like both listings have to be edited before they can be used or uploaded..

    Second Test:
    Deleted both auctions, went back to auctions Im running and exported again, saved, and then simply renamed it to .csv extension (without any editing of any kind) - this will not import "This is not a familiar file format" is the result.

    Tried to open in excel, it came up really messed up.. renamed it back to .txt and then opened again in scalc , (it recognized it as tab separated) saved as .csv and then was able to import the .csv to ninja lister, but the data is still corrupt, and needs to be edited ..
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  7. #67
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    ohhhhhhhh gawd.....more delays.

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Idealproductsales View Post
    Issue: cannot import listings to ninja lister from exported listings . (Not bulk upload spreadsheet, but from the .txt file that is obtained when you go to "auctions Im Running" and click "export listings" ) - that file wont import directly to ninja lister.

    Had to right click on the .txt file and open in openoffice calc/Excel/ spreadsheet and then save as csv, editing delimiter to be tab separated values .. (like when saving the bulk upload sheets) Then I was able to import the .csv

    May be a bug in the export listings instead?


    After importing that , the data file appears to be corrupt or incorrect (Screenshot attached) - Notice the "Store Cat" column for the first listing- it shows a time , also, a lot of data is "quoted" .. looks like both listings have to be edited before they can be used or uploaded..

    Second Test:
    Deleted both auctions, went back to auctions Im running and exported again, saved, and then simply renamed it to .csv extension (without any editing of any kind) - this will not import "This is not a familiar file format" is the result.

    Tried to open in excel, it came up really messed up.. renamed it back to .txt and then opened again in scalc , (it recognized it as tab separated) saved as .csv and then was able to import the .csv to ninja lister, but the data is still corrupt, and needs to be edited ..
    I managed to export to excel also, did my edits, and imported into ninja no problem - all 174 uploaded perfectly this time.

    I seem to recall gazza saying that the only way we could do it for now would be to open in excel - save as txt file, and import into ninja while the beta version is live.

    That will be changed in a forthcoming release

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by elvisfan2010 View Post
    ohhhhhhhh gawd.....more delays.
    How so? I suspect unless we hit a serious show-stopper or security threat, the ninja lister is ready for use (such as it is.. non show-stopper bugs can be worked around.. and it is currently working for numerous people so, it seems fine.. )
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by MagnetsAndHangers View Post
    I managed to export to excel also, did my edits, and imported into ninja no problem - all 174 uploaded perfectly this time.

    I seem to recall gazza saying that the only way we could do it for now would be to open in excel - save as txt file, and import into ninja while the beta version is live.

    That will be changed in a forthcoming release
    Agree, it "works" such as it is .. does require a bit of workaround.. however the .txt version raw download from exporting does *not* import - it has to be opened in excel or scalc first and then saved as a .csv file type before it can be imported - and even then it has to be edited before importing to ninja (or edited after import) - The issue Im reporting is that the raw download from ebid auctions listings export feature can *not* be imported directly to ninja without first opening and manipulating the file and re-saving.. it isnt a show stopper but Im sure someone will try to attempt a direct import and if they hit the same issue I did, at least we are aware of a workaround
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

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