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Thread: A query rather than a suggestion

  1. #11


    This axes my theory that if shipping info is not in the listing you won't get a sale!!!

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by AusOnline View Post
    An unrelated query. I have only just joined eBid and I hope it has a bright future over eBay. On my first glance across an item, I hit "Buy Now". In eBay, that takes you to a second page with all the purchase details and another button to actually confirm that you want to Buy It Now. With eBid, there is no such confirmation. The guillotine hits and you've bought it the moment you hit the "Buy Now".

    I feel somewhat cheated that I now have to go through with my first unwanted purchase. You might ask why did I hit the "Buy Now" button, if I wasn't sure. The reason is that there was no postage information showing for Australia and I thought that by hitting the "Buy Now" button, it would bring up some additional information about the postage before I committed to buy.

    I haven't paid yet but I will be forced to as I don't want to be tagged a cheat by the seller . But I am the one who feels cheated because the eBid system doesn't have a "Confirm" button to actually confirm that you really want to "Buy Now". I wouldn't have bought the item had I known the postage was going to be 4 times the price of the item!

    I see this a a significant issue in need of rectification on the site to ensure that buyers really want to "Buy Now" or haven't hit the button by mistake.
    Are you saying you don't get the popup with the chance to change your mind?
    If so what browser are you using?
    I get it in firefox, google chrome, & IE 7.
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