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Thread: "the Bay" vs other auction sites

  1. #1

    Default "the Bay" vs other auction sites

    As most of you know, I trade on various sites.
    I largely withdrew from "youknowwhere" at the beginning of last year, because I didn't like their ever changing t&c's.

    Here we have the forums, which are great and offer support to many of us, be it in regard of selling or personnel problems. The same applies to one of the other sites I sell on.

    The 3rd site I sell on, the forums are a waste of time, but the customers are great, where it comes to direct contact. I had a really good result today and received messages from several of my regular customers congratulating me on the sale.

    On the bay I've rarely encountered anything personalized/friendly on the forums or from existing customers.

  2. #2


    Its the old "divide and conquer" with feebay. Keep them apart so there is no plotting, talking, comparing notes and fees. Keep them quiet and they will just pay fees and not question anything. Don't make it easy to even communicate with buyers (no outside emails). Keeps things orderly and quiet.

    Even the competition between sellers was encouraged for same reason. Keep them fighting, so they keep on paying the higher fees and don't question new rules. Allow suspensions by letting sellers have multiple accounts, and turn a blind eye toward bidding on own items on those accounts too. Drives the bidding higher so the fees they pay are higher.

    Try finding a santa gift exchange on the other sites!!!! ebid has one. Or find members who will take up a collection and send flowers to members who are sick!!! ebid wins hands down!!!

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