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Thread: Frederic Remington Collier's Prints

  1. #1

    Question Frederic Remington Collier's Prints

    I have 6 old unframed or matted Remington prints. They are in color and each has the Frederic Remington signature as part of the print. Underneath the pictures to the bottom right each says “copyright…a date by Collier’s Weekly”. The dates range from 1904 to 1908.

    The prints are fragile, have stains all around the cream colored borders and the edges are frayed and tattered. The area where the actual picture is seems to be in good condition with the exception of one which has some discoloration from the border reaching into it. Most of these could be matted and framed and you would not see any damage if that is what someone chose to do.

    I have found a lot of information on the internet but nothing which really tells me if these are valuable and worth listing, restoring etc.

    If anyone out there could share some advice on these prints it would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

  2. #2


    We found an old picture in the attic (World War I era), that was in similar condition. It was framed, but the frame was so old small chunks were missing (we think some kind of insect damage). Almost threw it away, but finally decided to list it (we were on GreedBay at that time), with a clear picture and describing the problems. We had no idea was it was worth, asked $20. It sold a few weeks after we listed it, so our price may have been low. Anything this old has value to someone, but it may take a while for them to find it.

    Just be sure to describe the problems completely and get the best pictures you can, and don't gloss over the problems. Can't help you with the pricing, but you could start fairly high (maybe $20 or $30 each???) and lower it every month or so.

  3. #3


    Sounds like this set was printed by Colliers magazine and maybe offered thru them?

    Also sounds like they were framed/matted one, maybe with paper with some acid in it that caused the discoloration where it touched?

    I would certainly list them to sell and agree with Tias that what looks ho hum to us may be very exciting to someone else. Are these cowboy or old west prints? That is extremely popular now. Consider putting them in two categories to increase viewers.

    Have no idea of price of prints with some damage without frames/mats, But wonder if you could hedge your bets by listing them two to a listing, maybe the complimentary ones? Many people buy several similiar items to hang, so that might spark some interest and give them value (i.e. you get two for one money). Maybe have first bid at $20, and see what happens?

    Good luck.

  4. #4


    Thank you both for your replies and suggestions. Sorry I haven't responded earlier I came down with a flu or virus shortly after posting it and it really knocked me out. Just getting back on my feet.

    I'll probably list the prints shortly, maybe 1 or 2 to start and see how they do.

    Thanks again!

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