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Thread: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

  1. #1

    Default Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    I have, since being small, known when something is going to happen. Apart from dreams that come true, and you realise that you have already dreamt this when it happens. I have, what I can only explain as a 'tingly' feeling in my stomach, not like butterflies or anything, I know what it is when it happens.
    The first time it happened I was walking around a corner but could not see round it because of the hedge, I didn't know why I had this feeling, but just then someone came around the corner very fast on a bike and I had to jump against the wall or I would have been hit.
    On the most recent occasions that I have had this, I kept thinking all day at work that I should pick my son up from school the feelings getting stronger as the day went on, but I didn't. When I got home having picked up my daughter from a different school, my sons school phoned to say he had had an accident. He had been tripped up as he came out of a door and because he was putting his backpack on, didn't put his hands out quick enough, he broke his nose as he fell!
    Then on another occasion I again got this 'tingly' feeling, this time I got a call from my husband to say the school had contacted him because my daughter had had an accident and had lost the end of her finger!
    These are just a few with many more inbetween, including travelling back from Wales when we were almost in an accident, my husband had to swerve to miss a car that came from nowhere and caused a multi car pile up, we missed the car in front by 2 inches!
    Has anyone else had experiences like this or have any idea what this 'tingly' feeling could be? ( No it's not wind! )

  2. #2

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    Yes I have had similar experiences and dreams coming true.

    It doesn't help when the event happens and you can do nothing to prevent the outcome, I suspect you need to develop this area of sensitivity you have, how about searching for reading material and going on your intuition (your tingly tummy) to select the books that would benefit you.

    You will find that by posting this experience your search has started!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    I have had a couple of dreams that have come true, the latest one being last sunday night and I've also had visions that have come true.

    If you search through google about your experiences, you will find loads of info on it. I think you can find out how psychic you are, by the date and time you are born.

    I looked on this website once and told the webmaster I had had some psychic things happen and he asked me when I was born, then told me I was born during this certain time when my psychic powers would be high lol.

    I dont know if thats true, but..........I dont know lol! :?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    Reply to Bungee's experiences:

    You know we get loads of information about when we were born under what cloud and whoever's moon, but the way I see it is (I have had a little experience) You can stick crystals up yer nose - wear blue cos it spiritual - don't wear Red cos its anger - meditate for 10 hours a day - to try to clear yer mind - close one nostril and breathe deeply as it purifies your body and spirit ---- See I've tried all of this and I got diddly swat!

    I still get so cross when a customer is rude, I still get enraged when I get cut up on the road a few hand signal suffice!

    This is the interesting part it make not a jot of difference how bad I am or what I do or don't do what I eat or drink I still get lots of psychic activity around me, I still have dreams that I can sometimes control, or prophetic - I can still know what someone is going to say or do AND most of all it doesn't effect my channel when I read Tarot cards.

    Be your selves believe in what feels right for you, don't try and conform to anyone regime if you are even slightly unsure.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    I dreamt of my Dad having an accident in his car, I described the whole thing to my Mum, I described details that seemed silly at the time, like the number plate of another vehicle, but I was so scared and convinced my Dad would be hurt.
    Within the week, my Dad had a bad crash. His breast bone was broken and he was bruised but he recovered quickly and is fine now.
    The weird bit was when the photos were developed for the insurance claim... the number plate that I'd seen was of a van that had collided with my Dad when they both skidded on black ice. The damage to my Dad's car was exactly as I'd seen in my dream...
    I have had other 'dreams' and I am only sorry that I am unable to prevent these things... I have read about developing these 'abilities' but have never followed that path. It was the 7th January 1994 when my Dad had his accident... on 7th January 1996, I had a bad crash too.... hence, 7th January is now a non-driving day! :wink:

  6. #6

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    Wow Morticia you seem to be really 'tuned in', if you know what I mean, knowing the number plate and that. We have a 'black' day in our family too April 19th, loads of family members have died on that day and also around Christmas.
    My weirdest thing was when my dad died. I was sitting at home talking to my sister and suddenly started to cry. We then got a phone call from the hospital. When my mom came home she said I had started to cry at the exact moment my father had died. Strange isn't it?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    Wow Morticia you seem to be really 'tuned in', if you know what I mean, knowing the number plate and that. We have a 'black' day in our family too April 19th, loads of family members have died on that day and also around Christmas.
    My weirdest thing was when my dad died. I was sitting at home talking to my sister and suddenly started to cry. We then got a phone call from the hospital. When my mom came home she said I had started to cry at the exact moment my father had died. Strange isn't it?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    Wow Morticia you seem to be really 'tuned in', if you know what I mean, knowing the number plate and that. We have a 'black' day in our family too April 19th, loads of family members have died on that day and also around Christmas.
    My weirdest thing was when my dad died. I was sitting at home talking to my sister and suddenly started to cry. We then got a phone call from the hospital. When my mom came home she said I had started to cry at the exact moment my father had died. Strange isn't it?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    Wow Morticia you seem to be really 'tuned in', if you know what I mean, knowing the number plate and that. We have a 'black' day in our family too April 19th, loads of family members have died on that day and also around Christmas.
    My weirdest thing was when my dad died. I was sitting at home talking to my sister and suddenly started to cry. We then got a phone call from the hospital. When my mom came home she said I had started to cry at the exact moment my father had died. Strange isn't it?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Psychic ability, premonition or intuition?

    It is a bit creepy in some ways - just wish I could interpret my dreams before the bad stuff happens... or would that be interfering with fate???
    Are things meant to be? I wouldn't want to start playing God!!!
    The night my Mum died, myself and three friends saw a figure in my lounge surrounded by bright white lights. My Mum was in hospital some 30 miles away. Two of us walked the other two home, my friend was staying for the night and when we got home, all the lights were on... I went in to find my Dad who had just got home too. He told me that my Mum had died at the exact time we saw the figure in the lounge... Had my friends not seen it, I would have thought I'd imagined it but I guess my Mum wanted to say Goodbye... I am sure she's still around as strange things always happen around the anniversary of her death (7th April) and around Christmases and birthdays. Her birthday would have been next week so let's wait and see what she'll get up to... this board may get a little busier in the next few days... LOL

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