Good morning,

I'm just trying to bulk upload some listings in to ebid with ninja lister but it is failing.

Results of Stage One (Data Integrity Check)
Passed 0
Failed 206 View log
Ignored 0

Log simply states requested action as 'a'

All the listings were originally imported from .csv file from our ebay turbo lister 2. Imported into ninja these went straight onto ebid without a glitch. Only later I looked at the listings and realised that there were a truck load of references to ebay in there so decided to edit all the descriptions. Exported them to ninja, edited the descriptions and trying to put them back up which is where I'm having this problem.

To cut a long story short, the original ebay listings went on ebid without problem, the ebid listings going into ebid just won't play ball which I find a little ironic to say the least...

Some help greatly appreciated here, thank you.