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Thread: What A Mighty God we Serve!

  1. #251
    Forum Diehard
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    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Welcome Jersey from South Jersey. Thank you for gracing this forum with your presence; and thank you for the kind greetings from you and your family. May you and your family be blessed spirit, mind, and body during this holy season.

    Greetings Everyone:
    Please add Rednosty, his wife, and children in your prayers. My prayer to the LORD is that he would strengthen their family unit; give them peace that passes all understanding; and give them the unimaginable desire of their hearts. Thank you LORD.

    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Cancer
    Lindas Husband - Heart Problems
    Sophia - Personal Problems
    Raindropsies and her family - Personal Problems
    Linn - Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    Hi again, it does seem that so many are hurting right now, not just illness but most particularly the family groups. Red is certainly in my prayers and on my mind, and youmeus, truer words were never spoken. I pray that I don't become a stumbling block for anyone because of my actions, whether in this forum or another. I pray that if I'm seen as such, that someone will call me down concerning same. I hope too that we soon see Sophia back. Tomorrow our Children and grandchildren will be here to celebrate Christmas, so I just wanted to stop by and wish you all The Merriest of Christmas' and a joyous and prosperous new year. May the Lord keep us all safe during travels, and bring us back together again.
    Last edited by gramma1111; 24th December 2008 at 03:40 PM.

  2. #252
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    I am adding another to the prayer chain. Cazpro77 miscarried, and is in a lot of emotional pain right now over the loss of her unborn infant.

    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Cancer
    Lindas Husband - Heart Problems
    Sophia - Personal Problems
    Raindropsies and her family - Personal Problems
    Linn - Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    Cazpro77 - Miscarriage
    Grammas Niece Julie - Drug Problem

    Heavenly Father, I come to you on this eve of the celebration of the birth of Your Son praying for all of those on our prayer list. Particularly at this time for cazpro77, you know who she is, over the death of her unborn infant. Calm her pain Lord, and give her peace of mind, as she is questioning whether she lost her child because of something she did in the past. Lord I know that baby is safe in Your loving arms. I pray too for Julie, my niece, who has alienated herself from her entire family and old friends because of her drug addiction. Keep her safe from harm but guide her to the point that she hits rock bottom, in the same way you brought me to my knees during my dependence on alcohol. I pray also for Adam and his family. Help him Lord and keep him and his family safe from harm. I again pray for all those that are hurting right now during this time of celebration. Happy Birthday Lord, I Love You and pray these things in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

    To all my friend here in this forum, Burgy, Peggy, Sophia, and all the others, I wish you a Blessed Christmas.


  3. #253
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Hello to All ---

    I hope you are having a very Merry Christmas.

    Also, I received a note from Sofia and she seems much more upbeat. She is still having it very rough and she thanks everyone for their prayers and says please don't stop as she can tell they are helping.

    What A Mighty God we Serve!
    My stores:
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    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  4. #254
    Forum Diehard
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    Default HOORAY, HOORAY, HOORAY for Paul Harvey

    This was emailed to me, and felt it worthy of sharing.

    I myself have been grumbling and wondering how a handful of people have been able to take our right to pray in public places away from us. So, agreeing with Paul, I GLADLY will forward this email AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN.

    Folks, this is the Month that we RE-TAKE AMERICA
    ********* Get Ready *********

    Keep this going around the globe ... Read it and forward every time you receive it. We can't give up on this issue.

    Paul Harvey and Prayer

    Paul Harvey says:

    I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December. I don't agree with Darw in , but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his Theory of Evolution.

    Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game. So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire Book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.

    But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue.

    Yes, and this is the United States of America , a country founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect -- somebody chanting Hare Krishna?

    If I went to a football game in Jerusalem , I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.

    If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad , I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.

    If I went to a ping pong match in China , I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.

    And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't b other me one bit.
    When in Rome .....

    But what about the atheists? Is another argument.

    What about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!

    Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.

    Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep. Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

    God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.

    The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they want. It is time that the majority Rules! It's time we tell them, You don't have to pray; you don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!

    God bless us one and all ... Especially those who denounce Him , God bless America, despite all her faults. She is still the greatest nation of all. God bless our service men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.

    Let's make 2009 the year the silent majority is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions .. And our military forces come home from all the wars.

    Keep looking up.

    If you agree with this, please pass it on. If not delete it.


  5. #255
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gramma1111 View Post
    This was emailed to me, and felt it worthy of sharing.

    I myself have been grumbling and wondering how a handful of people have been able to take our right to pray in public places away from us. So, agreeing with Paul, I GLADLY will forward this email AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN.

    Folks, this is the Month that we RE-TAKE AMERICA
    ********* Get Ready *********

    Keep this going around the globe ... Read it and forward every time you receive it. We can't give up on this issue.

    Paul Harvey and Prayer

    Paul Harvey says:

    I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December. I don't agree with Darw in , but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his Theory of Evolution.

    Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game. So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire Book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.

    But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue.

    Yes, and this is the United States of America , a country founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect -- somebody chanting Hare Krishna?

    If I went to a football game in Jerusalem , I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.

    If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad , I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.

    If I went to a ping pong match in China , I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.

    And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't b other me one bit.
    When in Rome .....

    But what about the atheists? Is another argument.

    What about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!

    Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.

    Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep. Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

    God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.

    The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they want. It is time that the majority Rules! It's time we tell them, You don't have to pray; you don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!

    God bless us one and all ... Especially those who denounce Him , God bless America, despite all her faults. She is still the greatest nation of all. God bless our service men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.

    Let's make 2009 the year the silent majority is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions .. And our military forces come home from all the wars.

    Keep looking up.

    If you agree with this, please pass it on. If not delete it.


    Thank you!!!
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  6. #256


    Quote Originally Posted by gramma1111 View Post
    This was emailed to me, and felt it worthy of sharing.

    I myself have been grumbling and wondering how a handful of people have been able to take our right to pray in public places away from us. So, agreeing with Paul, I GLADLY will forward this email AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN.

    Folks, this is the Month that we RE-TAKE AMERICA
    ********* Get Ready *********

    Keep this going around the globe ... Read it and forward every time you receive it. We can't give up on this issue.

    Paul Harvey and Prayer

    Paul Harvey says:

    I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December. I don't agree with Darw in , but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his Theory of Evolution.

    Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game. So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire Book of Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.

    But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue.

    Yes, and this is the United States of America , a country founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect -- somebody chanting Hare Krishna?

    If I went to a football game in Jerusalem , I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.

    If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad , I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.

    If I went to a ping pong match in China , I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.

    And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't b other me one bit.
    When in Rome .....

    But what about the atheists? Is another argument.

    What about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!

    Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.

    Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep. Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

    God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.

    The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they want. It is time that the majority Rules! It's time we tell them, You don't have to pray; you don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!

    God bless us one and all ... Especially those who denounce Him , God bless America, despite all her faults. She is still the greatest nation of all. God bless our service men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.

    Let's make 2009 the year the silent majority is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions .. And our military forces come home from all the wars.

    Keep looking up.

    If you agree with this, please pass it on. If not delete it.


    I completely agree Gramma. I'm going to pass this on to everyone on my email list. Hope you had a Merry Christmas & will have a Happy New Year.

  7. #257
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gramma1111 View Post

    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Cancer
    Lindas Husband - Heart Problems
    Sophia - Personal Problems
    Raindropsies and her family - Personal Problems
    Linn - Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    Cazpro77 - Miscarriage
    Grammas Niece Julie - Drug Problem
    Peggys Friend Gloria - Major Health Problems


    Hi All --

    I would like to note I have added an online friend that has major multiple health problems. In the last few months she has needed two emergency calls that have ended up in hospitalization. She is very ill and in constant pain with life threatening problems. Thanks to all who are joining in prayer.

    1 John 5:14
    And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

    Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
    My stores:
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    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  8. #258
    Forum Master youmeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gramma1111 View Post
    this was emailed to me, and felt it worthy of sharing.

    I myself have been grumbling and wondering how a handful of people have been able to take our right to pray in public places away from us. So, agreeing with paul, i gladly will forward this email again, again and again.

    Folks, this is the month that we re-take america
    ********* get ready *********

    keep this going around the globe ... Read it and forward every time you receive it. We can't give up on this issue.

    Paul harvey and prayer

    paul harvey says:

    I don't believe in santa claus, but i'm not going to sue somebody for singing a ho-ho-ho song in december. I don't agree with darw in , but i didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his theory of evolution.

    Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game. So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire book of acts. They're just talking to a god they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.

    But it's a christian prayer, some will argue.

    Yes, and this is the united states of america , a country founded on christian principles. According to our very own phone book, christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect -- somebody chanting hare krishna?

    If i went to a football game in jerusalem , i would expect to hear a jewish prayer.

    If i went to a soccer game in baghdad , i would expect to hear a muslim prayer.

    If i went to a ping pong match in china , i would expect to hear someone pray to buddha.

    And i wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't b other me one bit.
    When in rome .....

    But what about the atheists? Is another argument.

    What about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!

    Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world's foundations.

    Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep. Our bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

    God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me.

    The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they want. It is time that the majority rules! It's time we tell them, you don't have to pray; you don't have to say the pledge of allegiance; you don't have to believe in god or attend services that honor him. That is your right, and we will honor your right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting back, and we will win!

    God bless us one and all ... Especially those who denounce him , god bless america, despite all her faults. She is still the greatest nation of all. God bless our service men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship god.

    Let's make 2009 the year the silent majority is heard and we put god back as the foundation of our families and institutions .. And our military forces come home from all the wars.

    Keep looking up.

    If you agree with this, please pass it on. If not delete it.

    'and that's the rest of the story'

  9. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by youmeus View Post
    May our God,The Heavenly Father put his loving arms around all who are hurting and draw them close so they might feel his love and strength. May we never say or do anything that is a stumbling block to those that are watching our lives.

    God bless all who come into this forum and may you all enjoy a Blessed Merry Christmas.
    Hi Youmeus,

    I missed this earlier in reading this forum but I would like to add that is my prayer too.

    Dear Father, this is a prayer of great love and need. It is what I also desire and I ask that you please double the strength of this prayer as we join together in asking your help in all phases of it. Thank you for leading Sofia to start this thread and thank you that she followed Your Lead. In your name I ask this, Amen
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    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  10. #260
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    Prayer Chain for:
    Peggys Friend John - Cancer
    Lindas Husband - Heart Problems
    Sophia - Personal Problems
    Raindropsies and her family - Personal Problems
    Linn - Cancer
    Shelly - Unknown Medical
    Elegants Mother - Lymphoma
    Grammas husband Brad - Bladder Cancer
    Peggys friend Al - Drug Rehab
    Those that have strayed from their Heavenly Father
    Rednosty, Adam and Family - strength & wholeness
    Cazpro77 - Miscarriage
    Grammas Niece Julie - Drug Problem
    Peggys Friend Gloria - Major Health Problems

    Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you this morning in prayer once again for all those on our prayer list and those that are hurting for one reason or another that we don't know about, but you do. Lord I ask for your special healing for all of these. You know who they are and what they need. Lord I pray too for all the special people that enter this thread, to pray for the sick, the hurting, and the addicted. They are special people that take time out of their selling to stop and pray for these on the chain. I ask a special prayer for Sophia, who started this thread and is now hurting herself. Stay by her side and heal her Lord from whatever is keeping her away from us. Thank you Lord, as I know you hear my prayer, but as in all things I pray your will not mine be done. In Jesus' Holy name I pray, Amen.

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